- The Challenge – Oriental Thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis)
- BIO-AXIN from Altus Biotech
- The process
- The results
- Conclusions
In agriculture, we constantly face challenges that put our crops at risk. Today we will share a recent experience in which we faced the oriental thrips(Scirtothrips dorsalis) in our blueberry(Vaccinium myrtillus) crops and how we managed to control it effectively using Altus Biotech’s BIO-AXIN product.
Altus Biotech is working on a new formulation that is being evaluated by the Mexican authority to comply with the laws and regulations requested by the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección Contra Riesgos Sanitarios).
In compliance with the Mexican authorities, biological effectiveness tests have been conducted against oriental thrips, which have shown an affectivity of more than 50% in accordance with Mexican regulations. The BIO-AXIN product is expected to meet the Health Commission’s evaluation standards and to be marketed in a safe and effective manner.
The Challenge – Oriental Thrips(Scirtothrips dorsalis):

A month ago, our field managers were faced with a worrying problem: the appearance of the oriental thrips(Scirtothrips dorsalis) in our blueberry crops. Also known as the oriental thrips, this insect poses a significant threat as it feeds on tender shoots, leaves and flowers of blueberry plants. It causes direct damage by consuming plant tissue and secretes enzymes that can cause deformities in leaves and fruits. In addition, the oriental thrips is a potential vector of viruses harmful to plants. Effective control of Scirtothrips dorsalis in blueberry crops usually requires integrated strategies that include cultural management practices, the use of natural enemies and, in some cases, the application of selective insecticides to minimize environmental impact.
Bio-axin from Altus Biotech:
Faced with this situation, we decided to try a promising solution: Altus Biotech‘s BIO-AXIN. This bioinsecticide is based on Streptomyces technology and has proven to be highly effective in controlling Frankliniella occidentalis, Trips tabaci and Scitotrips citri, including eastern thrips(Scirtothrips dorsalis). What makes it even more attractive is its sustainable approach, as we do not rely on synthetic chemicals.
The Process:
Our team of field managers proposed treatment with BIO-AXIN ( Altus Biotech‘s bioinsecticide in trials) as a preventive and corrective measure to combat oriental thrips in the blueberry crop. The application was carried out following Altus Biotech ‘s recommendations and in line with best agricultural practices. On a schedule of 7:00 AM with pH of 6.0, spraying directed to the foliage with a motorized backpack previously calibrated at a volume of 800 L per hectare, with pre- and post-application monitoring.

The results were surprising. The presence of immature stages of oriental thrips was reduced by 80% after application and vigorous development of new shoots was observed. These results support the efficacy of BIO-AXIN in the control of oriental thrips in blueberry.
At Altus Biotech, we are committed to developing sustainable and effective solutions for agriculture. This case demonstrates how Bio-axin can make a difference in the fight against diseases and pests, particularly oriental thrips, in our crops. We will continue to work together with our field managers to promote environmentally friendly farming practices and ensure the safety of our crops and the quality of our products.
Do you have a similar problem: If you find yourself struggling with oriental thrips in your crops feel free to contact us for more information on how we can help you protect your crops and improve your yields.