Altus info, Bio, Technical Information
Composition and Mode of Action Xilo-Nemax® is a biological nematicide formulated with Streptomyces spp. BB016, enriched with chitosan and organic conditioners. Its mechanism of action is centered on the production of secondary metabolites which, upon contact with the...
Bio, CASTELL, Field Trails, Technical Information
In the field of bioagriculture, we face continuous challenges that compromise the integrity of our crops. On this occasion, we will share a case study in which we are confronted with the Secadera in corn fields in Manuel Doblado Guanajuato, Guanajuato, and how we...
Bio, BIO-AXIN, Field Trails
Contents The Challenge – Oriental Thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis) BIO-AXIN from Altus Biotech The process The results Conclusions In agriculture, we constantly face challenges that put our crops at risk. Today we will share a recent experience in which we faced...
Altus info, Bio, General Information
The Coordinated Health Registry (RSCO) is used in many countries to regulate and oversee the safety and quality of agricultural products, food, and other health-related products. Obtaining a registration number in the RSCO means that a product has been evaluated and...